Thursday, May 14, 2009

Today Is A New One

I've been doing alot of soul searching the past two days. Most of you saw my video breakdown, and have been so very supportive.

I've decided that today is a new day and failure is NOT an option.

Tomorrow starts the five day pouch test again and I will finish it correctly this time.

Food has had a hold on me that I can't seem to break, it's time for me to say goodbye to my old friend that I found in food and get out there and make some real friends. This part of my life is over. I refuse to be angry about what I eat, if I make a mistake it's just that a mistake.

After hearing many people tell me to, I've also decided to go to once a week weigh ins they will be on Wednesdays beginning Wednesday May 20th. The things that relate to my weight have consumed me. My life is more then a number on a scale.

My life is beginning now, and it can only get better!

Here's a song that's really motivating me:

Starting Weight: 522
Surgery Weight: 505
Today's Weight : 438

Light Yogurt (100)
Strawberries w/ Light Cool Whip (90)

Wheat Thins (150)
Hummus (40)
Baked Potato (50)

Wheat Thins (150)
Hummus (40)
Deli Ham (50)

Todays Total: 670

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you staying away from the scale for a week. I think that is a great idea.

