Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Weight Loss... Ups and Down

I hope everyone is doing well, I'm still doing my liquid diet and am on the losing end as of right now... I am doing my best not to cheat, I ate one slice of cheese which I shouldn't have had, but just craved something with flavor.

I have been watching lots of vids lately, and it seems everyone is doing great, I just finished watching a cotysmom vid on youtube and she's going to have to have surgery to fix her port... frankly this scares the crap out of me, it's not easy for someone who is obese to go under the knife over and over again, I know she will do fine but I'm scared that I will have to have the same kind of thing done. I can't have the gastric bypass because I have Crohn's Disease, but I really wish I were having it done, there seems to be very little need for follow up surgery aside from plastics. I guess I'm just getting a little nervous, my surgery date is quickly approaching, and I know it's going to be awesome, but it's also a little scary. Very few people die from this surgery about 0.2 percent, but what if I fall into that percent.

I haven't been doing vlogs lately just picture, text and audio vids. I think I'll try to do a vid the night before surgery.

I have to be at the hospital at 5:30 am, my surgery is at 7:30 am... that is so early, I'm sure I won't get much sleep the night before. I hope that everything goes as planned and I start to lose weight right after surgery, the few people who know about the surgery are mostly supportive... I do have people who think I shouldn't have the surgery and yet others who don't even know I'm having it done. I guess I shouldn't be bashful about it, I just frankly don't care what their opinions are, this is my body and my life to do with what I see fit.

I was browsing through some catalogs today and looking at exercise equipment, everything is weight limited at 250-350 lbs. Does this make sense to anyone else, the people who need this equipment most desperately weigh to much to use it. I also looked into the wii fit because I really want one, and it too has a 250 lbs weight limit, so chunky kids, or obese teenagers couldn't really use that.

I think that manufacturers forget that fat people have disposable income, it's like when looking for clothes, I see so many of these shirts for fat people with the band at the bottom. I would never wear that, is it designed to hold your belly in? Or just grip your belly so you look as fat as possible?

Well I think that's it, I'm done going on and on about nothing.

Another post tommorrow!

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