Thursday, March 19, 2009

Feeling so much better today...

My port wound is still infected, but this morning I puked up some frothy water after I drank it and I feel sooooo much better then I had the past couple of days.

I lost another 2 lbs... down to 469.2 hit the thirty pounds loss today and moving on to the next goal.

It's been exactly two weeks today since I've had the surgery and other then the pain and icky feeling from the infection in my wound it has been completely worth it.

I never imagined that feeling full would be so satisfying, I used to feel like I was starving when I was dieting and now I don't have that issue anymore, I get hungry occasionally but literally a few bites chewed thoroughly fill me up, it is so wonderful I can't say enough about it.

I think this was the best decision I have ever made in my life.

Another day to look forward too!

Peace out!


  1. Glad to see you are feeling better than the day before. You are really on a roll and doing great.

    Stay strong.


  2. Look under Foamies on UTube from AJ it's good information.
